Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Second Tale of Emerys Treasure!

Finally, "A Second Tale of Emerys Treasure" is available Here!  

Thanks for your patience and interest everyone...  :)


  1. Yay! I'm between paychecks right now or I'd get it today. Still tempted to do so anyway, but will have to see. I can't wait to see what them crazy kids get into. I did read the little info about it Amazon provides. Canada? Met-counsel? Hoo boy. Almost got the sample but it would be too hard to resist buying the full book I think if I did that

    1. Glad you are so excited! I think/hope you will enjoy it, whenever you get the chance to read it. :)

    2. I hope by this point that your paycheck has arrived and that you've had the chance to enjoy the latest on Losten, Emerys, & Crystellen! :)

      But, in the event your paycheck hasn't yet arrived, let me know if you need me to send you a copy, so that you're not held in suspense too long... ;)

  2. Oh I got my copy now. Dude, I am honored you mentioned me.

  3. Well, I appreciate your encouragement to keep this blog alive. :)

    Thank you for purchasing and I hope you enjoy!

  4. I'm sure I will! Please keep the Tale of Crystellen Treasure going!

  5. Finished it! Great book! That very first paragraph is the only confusing thing

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! :)

      The first paragraph was meant to help pull people in to the story, but perhaps it should have been longer so that everyone realized it was a flashback??

      In either case, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope it was worth the wait... :)

    2. Well later on in context it made perfect sense. Just "oh no emerys!". Then, as you would flick a switch, we start right where the 1st book left off. Got to tell you man, until I got to the part where that 1st paragraph appeared again in context, I thought you were going to pull a "empire strikes back" type of ending on me.

  6. Gotcha. Sorry about that; I didn't mean to lead you that far astray in the beginning.

    But, don't worry: there will be no Empire Strikes Back moment in this series, where Emerys tells Losten she's his father! ;)

  7. *snort* oh I have no fears of that. :-) More worried of a "Han in carbonate scene" situation. Not going to lie, having just recently finished book 2, I can't wait for book 3!

  8. I'm glad you're so excited!! :)

    Actually, I need to get started on the third book, as my time has recently been spent on a new series I am starting...

    In the meantime, do not despair, as everyone's favorite feisty teenage mermaid will return next week. :)

  9. *sets up a lawn chair, opens a cooler full of drinks, sets snacks down on other side* I'll be right here whenever you are ready to continue. :-)

    1. LOL!! :)

      Actually, I had meant to post this week, but it seemed that one thing or the other seemed to get in the way...

      But, do not despair, for next week Crystellen will un-dis-appear
      (Ouch - that's a terrible rhyme! ;) )

  10. Sadly, I have been so sick for the last week that I have been unable to write, but whenever I feel better, Crystellen will return...

    1. Hey man, take your time and get better. They certainly aren't going anywhere. I will check in once a week to see if you've posted anything, but just focus on your health for now.

  11. It's been a little while. Hope you are okay.
